Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hacking flash game high scores is considered unethical, please consider this before trying out this great hack. It is also not working on every site that offers flash games, just try it out and if the new high score is not submitted you have come to a website with additional protection. You do need the firefox extension tamper data which can be downloaded and installed from the mozilla website.

Tamper Data is able to intercept data that is submitted on websites and alter it. Visit your favorite flash games website and start playing a game. The game does not necessarily need a submit button, if it has none click on start tamper before you die, if it has a submit button click on start temper after you die.

Tamper Data should intercept the request and display all the elements that are submitted by the flash game. Look for a element that resembles the score and change the value of that score. Submit the altered data and the new altered value should be seen in the high score of the website.

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